October 2020 • PharmaTimes Magazine • 3
In this month’s issue of PharmaTimes we take a closer look at plans for the NHS Reset, which essentially aims to embed positive learnings from the coronavirus pandemic into service redesign. How might this impact the pharma industry? “The NHS is entering a new era and there has never been a more opportune time for pharma to support its customers,” states Oli Hudson in his article on page 16, while Jo Spadaccino also highlights a new appetite for collaboration between the NHS and industry, ignited by COVID-19 (p19).
Also on the pandemic, Manpreet Sidhu offers a global view on what new health technology assessment timelines might mean for pharma product pipelines (p26), while Monia Nica outlines the temporary changes to European regulatory requirements spurred by coronavirus (p32).
On page 36, Shairose Ebrahim offers frank insight into why diversity and inclusion should remain high on the agenda, and how companies can ensure that equality remains at the heart of their operations.
A live stream of the awards ceremonies for our clinical researcher competitions will take place next month; for Clinical Researcher of the Year – The Americas it’s October 20 at 9pm, and for International Clinical Researcher of the Year it’s October 27 at 4pm (both UK time). Visit www.pharmatimes.com/competitions for more information.
I hope you enjoy the issue!
Selina McKee
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Selina McKee / editor
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