May 2024 • PharmaTimes Magazine • 13


Big rethink

Diversity of thought creates meaningful work


Some say that diversity in the workplace feels like tokensim – promoting opportunities to simply tick a box. But that would be as ridiculous as a patient saying, “I’ve seen too many white doctors, I need to see a brown one next.”

However, if a patient said, “can I get a second opinion?” it would be a completely appropriate request, because difficult situations can benefit from a diversity of thinking. This has relevance to all organisations but must be interpreted correctly.

Diversity of thought requires people from all walks of life, not only because of their race, religion, gender or even perceived privileges, but also because of the experiences they bring. I was bullied at school for the colour of my skin, but it shaped my resilience and gave me invaluable life experience that paved the way for where I am today.

I’m lucky to be in a workplace which believes a diverse workforce is crucial to the work we do. We create behaviour change in doctors, patients and the public, and without minimising our own biases and blind spots we would never achieve this.

Our cervical screening campaign is a good example. The Creative Director behind it is a single mum who spent much of her career wondering how she could ever reach a senior position in a male-dominated industry while raising kids. But she did, and her personal experience of poor screening communications led to a standout campaign.

And then we have our Head of Patient Voice. He’s lived with Parkinson’s since childhood and his first-hand experiences are the backbone of the Parkylife campaign, a positive platform celebrating the diverse personalities of the Parky-verse.

So, you see, diversity of thought provides the foundation of creative, innovative and impactful work. It lights the fire with unique insights that can make a measurable difference while genuinely changing lives.


Tapas Mukherjee is Medical Director at Havas Lynx.
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With thanks to Lou Shipley and Matt Eagles