May 2020 • PharmaTimes Magazine • 3

From the editor

COVID-19 will rightfully continue to dominate the news and our thoughts over the course of the pandemic and beyond, but it is also important to highlight some of the great positives of pharma and healthcare that can risk going unnoticed, particularly during times of crisis.

As such, as well as keeping you up-to-date on coronavirus and other, unrelated industry developments in our daily news stream and PharmaTimes Magazine, we have exciting news to announce.

For one, we have significantly upgraded the digital edition of PharmaTimes Magazine with new design features to further improve readability on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

 This issue sees the first ever annual Women in Healthcare feature, which kicks off on page 18 and is simply designed to highlight some of the brightest stars in pharma and healthcare and their successes.

 Alongside partner OVID Health, PharmaTimes is also thrilled to launch the new Patient Partnership Index, which will celebrate the pharma companies that really stand out with regard to their communication and engagement with patient groups, thus providing a valuable platform for learning and spreading best practice in meaningful patient-centricity. See Jenny Ousbey’s related article on the need for thriving partnerships between pharma and patient groups on page 14.

I hope you enjoy the issue!


Selina McKee


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Selina McKee / editor
Karl Equi / executive director

Anna Yeardley / business manager
Luci Sargood / business manager
Elliott Skilton / marketing executive

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